To answer the title’s question… Well it all depends on what you perceive as easy, if for instance you are brand new to blogging then it may seem a daunting task to accomplish. On the other hand if you know how to set up your blogwhether self hosted or free then you are already half way there. As far as I’m concerned it doesn’t matter where you are…beginner or intermediate because making money through blogging is the simplest thing to do. It’s not rocket science rather it’s an easy step by step process that anyone can use. One thing before we go on IF you’re serious about making money online through blogging then it will take dedication and plain old hard work, the process is easy but the commitment is the hard part. Longevity or staying power are admirable traits to posses and believe me you will need them.
Take a look at the 6 main components below and when you have read all the points tell me it isn’t easy to make money blogging. Just remember that all the tools that you will need to go through all these steps are available online, you just need to act.
6 Easy steps to make money blogging
Get a Hosting account or Don’t
I would go for a self hosted account every time because it gives you complete control over your content. If your starting out for the 1st time however then I would advise you to start with Blogger, this way you can get a feel of what bloggings’ all about and if you make mistakes which you will then it won’t be too costly. Although this 1st step may seem obvious it does pay to do your research and choose a reliable Hosting Company. If you are unsure about selfhosting don’t worry, just make sure to soak up all the tutorials available and you’ll be fine. Hostgator is my recommendation.
Pick a Niche
Choosing a niche for your blog is not as hard as you may think but bear in mind that you will want to find one that has less competition and has a high value cpc (cost per click) for advertisements. Google AdSense is where most bloggers make their money from so think about advertisers you want on your blog. Niche blogging or Niche Marketing is a hot topic on the Internet Marketing circuit and there is no shortage of sources to utilize. The 1st place to start is the search engines which have a wealth of information for free. There are numerous Niche Marketing programs that will guide you through the finer points and teach you to pick markets that will earn you money.
Grab Top Keywords and select a Keyword Rich Domain Name:
One of the most important steps to success is obtaining a keyword rich domain name and populating your blog with keywords and keyword phrases. Using H1 tags for titles and setting up keyword rich anchor text is all part of Search Engine Optimization. I always start any new project by collecting keywords before anything else because for me it lays the foundation and guides me through the rest of the blog building process. One of the best free keyword tools on the web is of course Google Adwords keyword tool. Make sure to sign up to Google Adwords, you only need a Gmail account to get started.
Write useful and valuable content
If you’re going to a job right then do it right by using quality content. The content doesn’t have to written by you, it can be re edited PLR material or outsourced. Give your blog more than text content; mix it up a little by adding video or podcasts. Giving value is the key to your content because it holds your visitors interest and encourages them to click on affiliate links or ads. What good content will also achieve is trust and authority which is priceless.
Start Building Backlinks and optimizing with SEO
Traffic Traffic Traffic … so good they named it three times or at least I did!
If you don’t have the traffic then you won’t make money, simple equation right? This part of blogging is absolutely necessary so start building Backlinks by hook or by crook. Okay stay on the right side of the law or else you may find yourself blacklisted by the mighty G. Building Backlinks can be done in a myriad of different ways. Comment on high ranking do-follow blogs and spread your Blog’s URL throughout the web on social networks, anywhere where you can leave feedback leave you anchor text URL. Do some Guest Author articles…the list is endless. Submitting your blog to all the big search engines and search directories is a given. Get your profile and bio on big sites like Google and get a Twitter handle the same as your blog if you can.
Monetize your Blog with Affiliate Programs and Ads
This is a fairly painless task, the main thing to think about here is your ad positions, so a little experiment by trying out different locations and split testing is advised. Make use of the many affiliate networks and use Google analytics to hook up you AdSense channels so you know where the money is coming from. When you write any article about an affiliate product or service don’t go overboard be subtle and gently steer your reader in the right direction. It is always a definite advantage to know what you’re talking about by knowing the product inside out, so don’t just rely on the vendors interpretation of the product.
Hook up your Blog to the Social Net
By joining up your blog to the likes of Twitter and FaceBook you have a powerful platform to broadcast your messages. We all know about FaceBook fan pages and just how effective they can be if done the right way. Twitter is a different model but with its increasing popularity it can’t be ignored. Both of these mediums will take time and effort to build up but if you want to build traffic for your blog then it is necessary.
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