Nowadays, it's very hard to earn money. Even those who are employed in big companies are doing some side line jobs so that they can buy for their daily needs. But wait, aside from working for others why not think of ways to earn lots of money within your home. Through the aid of technology there has been many changes in people's lifestyle and there are some which resign from their specific jobs and just work within the convenient of their houses through online. Work at home internet business has many options to choose from. There are several ways to earn money if you just know how to find your niche.
Almost every household has an internet access and through it they find something that they can have something to gain in return. Some people prefer to go online shopping like buying clothes online and other things. There are some who look for a business or any other ways to earn money.
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There are several different ways in earning online it's just that you need to find the best that will really work for you and it should also fit your interest and abilities. Below are some ways in order to earn online.
PPC or pay per click. Pay per click is one of the most easiest way. By just registering in their site all you have to do is to look for ads that pays when you click them. One click would cost you a point five cents. It depend on the network you have joined. There are no membership fee but some requires it in order to cash out your money. The income is not that big but through using in daily you can earn as well. When you're doing something you can do it also at the same time.
Website. Having your own website is a must if you prefer to promote your business online.
Making a website requires enough knowledge about it and also will cost a lot of time in order to come up with an interesting site. For instance, if your planning to sell beauty products then it is a must for you to have your own site so that clients will just visit it and they can leave comments or questions regarding the product. Your site is your online employee and whether your online or not people can directly visit it.
Freelance. Many variety of work if you choose this one. You can be a freelance writer, data programming, web designing and others. Several different kinds of jobs in these category and many online sites offer this for free just join in their site and look for the best freelance job for you. It will require your time and skills especially if you prefer to be a freelance writer.
Affiliate Marketing. In this type of online business your job is to promote someone's product or services and you will earn a commission whenever some has purchase it. You can do this by advertising on different social networks, blogging and writing articles. The good part in this business is that you can choose from the many products and services which the company offers.
The best thing to do before planning a business online is to analyze first your own skill, interest and know much time and effort your willing to put in the business.
To sum up all, Know first and find the best online business that will really suit in your own interest. By doing this you will surely have a happy and progressing online business.
Want to start your very own work at home internet business? All you need to know now in our complete guide to online wealth on
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
How the Best Blog Sites Become Popular
One thing all the best blog sites have in common is that their content has been consistently updated and of apparent interest to their readers. As simple as this strategy may appear to be to many interested in building blog traffic to their site not everybody possesses the passion that will be needed. The blogging sites that enjoy the most success are the one that invest the time required for research and posting. This must be done on a consistent basis and over a long period of time! Popular blogs are the result of a marathon effort on the part of the individual blogger and are not an overnight occurrence! The key to maintaining this effort is obviously rooted in your motivation and what it is that motivates you!
Here are 3 very compelling reasons how possessing a passion for what you write about helps in building blog traffic and therefore the popularity of your site.
Content is Fast & Furious
Having the necessary passion for your 'work' will help keep both your interest and energy levels high for researching and then composing new updates for your site. Your ability to do this consistently and in a frequent manner will help increase your profile while also building blog traffic for your platform.
Discouragement is Non-Existent
Being passionate also means being very enthusiastic about the focal point of your passion and this helps to dilute or even eliminate periodic discouragement. Not every day will bring what you hope for therefore it can have a dampening effect on both your spirits and productivity. On the other hand if you maintain a high level of enthusiasm, it will be easier to work through periods of disappointment. By maintaining this consistent level of effort and productivity you site will only grow in popularity!
Efforts are Enduring
By and large those blogging sites that remain consistent and over a good stretch of time tend to also be the more popular blogs within their niche. Here again demonstrates the positive effect maintaining your efforts over an extended period of time has on the acceptance and standing of a blog. As previously mentioned possessing the right amount of passion will help to infuse you with a lot of enthusiasm. A natural 'by-product' of this enthusiasm is energy which of course helps sustain your efforts!
The best blog sites have all been able to consistently maintain their efforts insofar as updating their platforms with apparently interesting content. Since the blogging sites that enjoy the most success are the ones willing to invest the time for research and posting it stands to reason they are the most motivated. In almost every case the source of motivation is their passion and the discussion above helps to cast light on just how this passion helps popular blogs become what they are. It is clear to see that having an intense interest in your subject will not only make your efforts easier but more effective as well!
Make Money With New Amazon Associates For Blogger
Start by creating a Google Account. In the Resources section below, you'll find the link for signing up for this account, if you don't already have one.
Now sign up for Google AdSense, using the 2nd Resource Link below. For the uninitiated: You can make money with this free program ... With Google's AdSense, not only are you displaying text ads, (which tend to receive a much higher click-thru rate than banner ads), but you are displaying contextual ads that match your website's content. This works very well on my Dog Blog!
Next, get your Associate Account, Associate and Tracking IDs with Amazon, using the 3rd Resource Link below. You'll find many more uses for your Associate membership than just bringing up products on Blogger: You can even create an aStore on your own website once you're an Associate!
Now you can preview and sign up for your Blogger Account at the fourth Resource Link below. If you've struggled with copying and pasting affiliate links and images to your blogs or articles before, you'll love the ease of Blogger's new Product Finder! It makes posting a daily blog quick, easy and even fun!
To come up with a great title, start by deciding on the overall theme for your Blogs. Although you can blog about a shaggy dog story or anything else on Blogger if you like, the point of using Amazon Associates For Blogger is to make it quick and easy to add affiliate links and images about products to your blog posts. To take full advantage of this great program, fetch a theme like "Best Products For Your State-of-the-Art Kitchen", or "How to Choose the Most Energy-Efficient Appliances". Then, opening your trusty PhotoShop application, create a photo/text combo that is unique and eye-catching: Blogger allows you to choose a title and photo, or just a photo. I recommend that you choose the latter, which in your case will be the photo you have already enhanced with integrated text.
Compose your article, using the "compose" view right on Blogger. This site has what so many writing sites lack: A really accurate and easy way of continuously saving your writing, so you'll never lose an hour of work just because the site on which you were composing timed out! Blogger is so user-friendly that it's easy to find your way back, use the "Edit" function, preview your blog post, and quickly Publish.
You Never Have to Leave Your Blog, to Find and Add Products in Compose View
You can add your own photos as well as the Amazon Product information you choose. For products, you can select live links, just photos, or photos with text. The result, no matter what you choose, looks very professional: Note the open Product Finder on the right in this screen shot, and the product photos and text already chosen for the post.
With Blogger's great Readership, you'll soon see serious traffic coming to your AdSense and Amazon Accounts, as well as to your main website, once you add your site's links at the top of your Blogger blog post. For proof, just click the "Monetize" button, which will show the number of Reads your blog post has received. It is also easy to check your Google AdSense click-thrus. You can check these two income streams right from your Blogger site.
9 Home Page: ScreenShot
Finally, go to your main site. If your blog posts on Blogger are visually interesting as well as informative, you'll see the results in your hit counter on your main site, as Readers of your Blogger posts link over to your main site. Give yourself two paws up: You've got Readership!
photo credit:
Monday, December 20, 2010
21 Ways To Generate Traffic
Choose the Right Blog Software (or Custom Build)
The right blog CMS makes a big difference. If you want to set yourself apart, I recommend creating a custom blog solution - one that can be completely customized to your users. In most cases, WordPress, Blogger, MovableType or Typepad will suffice, but building from scratch allows you to be very creative with functionality and formatting. The best CMS is something that's easy for the writer(s) to use and brings together the features that allow the blog to flourish. Think about how you want comments, archiving, sub-pages, categorization, multiple feeds and user accounts to operate in order to narrow down your choices. OpenSourceCMS is a very good tool to help you select a software if you go that route.
Host Your Blog Directly on Your Domain
Hosting your blog on a different domain from your primary site is one of the worst mistakes you can make. A blog on your domain can attract links, attention, publicity, trust and search rankings - by keeping the blog on a separate domain, you shoot yourself in the foot. From worst to best, your options are - Hosted (on a solution like Blogspot or Wordpress), on a unique domain (at least you can 301 it in the future), on a subdomain (these can be treated as unique from the primary domain by the engines) and as a sub-section of the primary domain (in a subfolder or page - this is the best solution).
Write Title Tags with Two Audiences in Mind
First and foremost, you're writing a title tag for the people who will visit your site or have a subscription to your feed. Title tags that are short, snappy, on-topic and catchy are imperative. You also want to think about search engines when you title your posts, since the engines can help to drive traffic to your blog. A great way to do this is to write the post and the title first, then run a few searches at Overture, WordTracker & KeywordDiscovery to see if there is a phrasing or ordering that can better help you to target "searched for" terms.
Participate at Related Forums & Blogs
Whatever industry or niche you're in, there are bloggers, forums and an online community that's already active. Depending on the specificity of your focus, you may need to think one or two levels broader than your own content to find a large community, but with the size of the participatory web today, even the highly specialized content areas receive attention. A great way to find out who these people are is to use Technorati to conduct searches, then sort by number of links (authority). tags are also very useful in this process, as are straight searches at the engines ('s blog search in particular is of very good quality).
Tag Your Content
Technorati is the first place that you should be tagging posts. I actually recommend having the tags right on your page, pointing to the Technorati searches that you're targeting. There are other good places to ping - and Flickr being the two most obvious (the only other one is Blogmarks, which is much smaller). Tagging content can also be valuable to help give you a "bump" towards getting traffic from big sites like Reddit, Digg & StumbleUpon (which requires that you download the toolbar, but trust me - it's worth it). You DO NOT want to submit every post to these sites, but that one out of twenty (see tactic #18) is worth your while.
Launch Without Comments (and Add Them Later)
There's something sad about a blog with 0 comments on every post. It feels dead, empty and unpopular. Luckily, there's an easy solution - don't offer the ability to post comments on the blog and no one will know that you only get 20 uniques a day. Once you're upwards of 100 RSS subscribers and/or 750 unique visitors per day, you can open up the comments and see light activity. Comments are often how tech-savvy new visitors judge the popularity of a site (and thus, its worth), so play to your strengths and keep your obscurity private.
Don't Jump on the Bandwagon
Some memes are worthy of being talked about by every blogger in the space, but most aren't. Just because there's huge news in your industry or niche DOES NOT mean you need to be covering it, or even mentioning it (though it can be valuable to link to it as an aside, just to integrate a shared experience into your unique content). Many of the best blogs online DO talk about the big trends - this is because they're already popular, established and are counted on to be a source of news for the community. If you're launching a new blog, you need to show people in your space that you can offer something unique, different and valuable - not just the same story from your point of view. This is less important in spaces where there are very few bloggers and little online coverage and much more in spaces that are overwhelmed with blogs (like search, or anything else tech-related).
Link Intelligently
When you link out in your blog posts, use convention where applicable and creativity when warranted, but be aware of how the links you serve are part of the content you provide. Not every issue you discuss or site you mention needs a link, but there's a fine line between overlinking and underlinking. The best advice I can give is to think of the post from the standpoint of a relatively uninformed reader. If you mention Wikipedia, everyone is familiar and no link is required. If you mention a specific page at Wikipedia, a link is necessary and important. Also, be aware that quoting other bloggers or online sources (or even discussing their ideas) without linking to them is considered bad etiquette and can earn you scorn that could cost you links from those sources in the future. It's almost always better to be over-generous with links than under-generous. And link condoms? Only use them when you're linking to something you find truly distasteful or have serious apprehension about.
Invite Guest Bloggers
Asking a well known personality in your niche to contribute a short blog on their subject of expertise is a great way to grow the value and reach of your blog. You not only flatter the person by acknowledging their celebrity, you nearly guarantee yourself a link or at least an association with a brand that can earn you readers. Just be sure that you really are getting a quality post from someone that's as close to universally popular and admired as possible (unless you want to start playing the drama linkbait game, which I personally abhor). If you're already somewhat popular, it can often be valuable to look outside your space and bring in guest authors who have a very unique angle or subject matter to help spice up your focus. One note about guest bloggers - make sure they agree to have their work edited by you before it's posted. A disagreement on this subject after the fact can have negative ramifications.
Eschew Advertising (Until You're Popular)
I hate AdSense on blogs. Usually, I ignore it, but I also cast a sharp eye towards the quality of the posts and professionalism of the content when I see AdSense. That's not to say that contextual advertising can't work well in some blogs, but it needs to be well integrated into the design and layout to help defer criticism. Don't get me wrong - it's unfair to judge a blog by its cover (or, in this case, its ads), but spend a lot of time surfing blogs and you'll have the same impression - low quality blogs run AdSense and many high quality ones don't. I always recommend that whether personal or professional, you wait until your blog has achieved a level of success before you start advertising. Ads, whether they're sponsorships, banners, contextual or other, tend to have a direct, negative impact on the number of readers who subscribe, add to favorites and link - you definitely don't want that limitation while you're still trying to get established.
Go Beyond Text in Your Posts
Blogs that contain nothing but line after line of text are more difficult to read and less consistently interesting than those that offer images, interactive elements, the occasional multimedia content and some clever charts & graphs. Even if you're having a tough time with non-text content, think about how you can format the text using blockquotes, indentation, bullet points, etc. to create a more visually appealing and digestible block of content.
Cover Topics that Need Attention
In every niche, there are certain topics and questions that are frequently asked or pondered, but rarely have definitive answers. While this recommendation applies to nearly every content-based site, it's particularly easy to leverage with a blog. If everyone in the online Nascar forums is wondering about the components and cost of an average Nascar vehicle - give it to them. If the online stock trading industry is rife with questions about the best performing stocks after a terrorist threat, your path is clear. Spend the time and effort to research, document and deliver and you're virtually guaranteed link-worthy content that will attract new visitors and subscribers.
Pay Attention to Your Analytics
Visitor tracking software can tell you which posts your audience likes best, which ones don't get viewed and how the search engines are delivering traffic. Use these clues to react and improve your strategies. Feedburner is great for RSS and I'm a personal fan of Indextools. Consider adding action tracking to your blog, so you can see what sources of traffic are bringing the best quality visitors (in terms of time spent on the site, # of page views, etc). I particularly like having the "register" link tagged for analytics so I can see what percentage of visitors from each source is interested enough to want to leave a comment or create an account.
Use a Human Voice
Charisma is a valuable quality, both online and off. Through a blog, it's most often judged by the voice you present to your users. People like empathy, compassion, authority and honesty. Keep these in the forefront of your mind when writing and you'll be in a good position to succeed. It's also critical that you maintain a level of humility in your blogging and stick to your roots. When users start to feel that a blog is taking itself too seriously or losing the characteristics that made it unique, they start to seek new places for content. We've certainly made mistakes (even recently) that have cost us some fans - be cautious to control not only what you say, but how you say it. Lastly - if there's a hot button issue that has you posting emotionally, temper it by letting the post sit in draft mode for an hour or two, re-reading it and considering any revisions. With the advent of feeds, once you publish, there's no going back.
Archive Effectively
The best archives are carefully organized into subjects and date ranges. For search traffic (particularly long tail terms), it can be best to offer the full content of every post in a category on the archive pages, but from a usability standpoint, just linking to each post is far better (possibly with a very short snippet). Balance these two issues and make the decision based on your goals. A last note on archiving - pagination in blogging can be harmful to search traffic, rather than beneficial (as you provide constantly changing, duplicate content pages). Pagination is great for users who scroll to the bottom and want to see more, though, so consider putting a "noindex" in the meta tag or in the robots.txt file to keep spiders where they belong - in the well-organized archive system.
Implement Smart URLs
The best URL structure for blogs is, in my opinion, as short as possible while still containing enough information to make an educated guess about the content you'll find on the page. I don't like the 10 hyphen, lengthy blog titles that are the byproduct of many CMS plugins, but they are certainly better than any dynamic parameters in the URL. Yes - I know I'm not walking the talk here, and hopefully it's something we can fix in the near future. To those who say that one dynamic parameter in the URL doesn't hurt, I'd take issue - just re-writing a ?ID=450 to /450 has improved search traffic considerably on several blogs we've worked with.
Reveal as Much as Possible
The blogosphere is in love with the idea of an open source world on the web. Sharing vast stores of what might ordinarily be considered private information is the rule, rather than the exception. If you can offer content that's usually private - trade secrets, pricing, contract issues, and even the occasional harmless rumor, your blog can benefit. Make a decision about what's off-limits and how far you can go and then push right up to that limit in order to see the best possible effects. Your community will reward you with links and traffic.
Only One Post in Twenty Can Be Linkbait
Not every post is worthy of making it to the top of Digg, or even a mention at some other blogs in your space. Trying to over-market every post you write will result in pushback and ultimately lead to negative opinions about your efforts. The less popular your blog is, the harder it will be to build excitement around a post, but the process of linkbait has always been trial and error - build, test, refine and re-build. Keep creating great ideas and bolstering them with lots of solid, everyday content and you'll eventually be big enough to where one out of every 20-40 posts really does become linkbait.
Make Effective Use of High Traffic Days
If you do have linkbait, whether by design or by accident, make sure to capitalize. When you hit the front page of Digg, Reddit, Boing Boing, or, on a smaller scale, attract a couple hundred visitors from a bigger blog or site in your space, you need to put your best foot forward. Make sure to follow up on a high traffic time period with 2-3 high quality posts that show off your skills as a writer, your depth of understanding and let visitors know that this is content they should be sticking around to see more of. Nothing kills the potential linkbait "bump" faster than a blog whose content doesn't update for 48 hours after they've received a huge influx of visitors.
Create Expectations and Fulfill Them
When you're writing for your audience, your content focus, post timing and areas of interest will all become associated with your personal style. If you vary widely from that style, you risk alienating folks who've come to know you and rely on you for specific data. Thus, if you build a blog around the idea of being an analytical expert in your field, don't ignore the latest release of industry figures only to chat about an emotional issue - deliver what your readers expect of you and crunch the numbers. This applies equally well to post frequency - if your blog regularly churns out 2 posts a day, having two weeks with only 4 posts is going to have an adverse impact on traffic. That's not to say you can't take a vacation, but you need to schedule it wisely and be prepared to lose RSS subscribers and regulars. It's not fair, but it's the truth. We lose visitors every time I attend an SES conference and drop to one post every two days (note - guest bloggers and time-release posts can help here, too).
Build a Brand
Possibly one of the most important aspects of all in blogging is brand-building. As Zefrank noted, to be a great brand, you need to be a brand that people want to associate themselves with and a brand that people feel they derive value from being a member. Exclusivity, insider jokes, emails with regulars, the occasional cat post and references to your previous experiences can be off putting for new readers, but they're solid gold for keeping your loyal base feeling good about their brand experience with you. Be careful to stick to your brand - once you have a definition that people like and are comfortable with, it's very hard to break that mold without severe repercussions. If you're building a new blog, or building a low-traffic one, I highly recommend writing down the goals of your brand and the attributes of its identity to help remind you as you write.
Best of luck to all you bloggers out there. It's an increasingly crowded field to play in, but these strategies should help to give you an edge over the competition. As always, if you've got additions or disagreements, I'd love to hear them.
What Is Clickbank? Find Out Exactly What Clickbank Is!
What is clickbank? Surprisingly this is a very common question from all new Internet marketers, (CB) for short,is actually one of the biggest affiliate marketplaces on the internet. Whilst this article will give you a fair idea to what click bank is, there is no way I can cover every thing about the affiliate giant.
CB really is the affiliate marketer's dream. One of The biggest benefit for anyone wanting to sell something is, back in the olden days you had to have your own merchant account, and credit card processing services to sell merchandise, now it is all done simply though clickbanks services.
So your question, what is clickbank? In a nut shell, any single product that is in a digital format such as do it your self (DIY)manuals, how to guides, etc are all under 1 roof, "sort of speak" over at click bank.
So let me explain this to you in very simple terms.
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I design an E-book and then register it over at click bank, then I put my product up so that you, the viewer can find it when you search the marketplace. You then go ahead and join CB and either buy the product, or you promote the product by getting an affiliate link.
What is clickbank- what are the benefits? You can sell on CB and use their facilities for all your transactions, it is a house hold name so the traffic to CB is astronomical, this is very good for you in term of making money. Amongst other things C Bank can make you a VERY rich person. So when someone now asked you, what is clickbank? you have the perfect answer.
Are you ready to find out how click bank could be responsible for you starting a passive income business?
CB really is the affiliate marketer's dream. One of The biggest benefit for anyone wanting to sell something is, back in the olden days you had to have your own merchant account, and credit card processing services to sell merchandise, now it is all done simply though clickbanks services.
So your question, what is clickbank? In a nut shell, any single product that is in a digital format such as do it your self (DIY)manuals, how to guides, etc are all under 1 roof, "sort of speak" over at click bank.
So let me explain this to you in very simple terms.
Related Coverage
Making Money From Clickbank is Fun
The Official Clickbank Code Review
Twitter and Clickbank - The Best Combination to Make Money
Affiliate Marketing Network Program - Why Clickbank? Others Are Not Worth Your Time
I design an E-book and then register it over at click bank, then I put my product up so that you, the viewer can find it when you search the marketplace. You then go ahead and join CB and either buy the product, or you promote the product by getting an affiliate link.
What is clickbank- what are the benefits? You can sell on CB and use their facilities for all your transactions, it is a house hold name so the traffic to CB is astronomical, this is very good for you in term of making money. Amongst other things C Bank can make you a VERY rich person. So when someone now asked you, what is clickbank? you have the perfect answer.
Are you ready to find out how click bank could be responsible for you starting a passive income business?
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Steps to Affiliate Marketing!
It is sad but true that most affiliate marketers fail in their attempts to make money online This article provides four basic tips to help you achieve success with your online affiliate marketing business.
Are you aware that most affiliate marketers fail to make any money on the Internet? The failure rate is over 80% which is rather scary when you think about it.
It really doesn''t have to be this way! Most people who fail at affiliate marketing do so not so much because they lack ability, but because they lack either application or knowledge. As long as you are determined to succeed as an affiliate marketer all you would have to do would be to learn four key basics and apply your knowledge correctly and consistently. You could soon be earning a few hundred dollars a month if you do that at the very least.
To help you avoid joining the losers, let''s have a look a four basics that you need to learn and apply to your affiliate marketing business in order to generate an income online?
First off then and most important is that you build your own website, or have one built for you, then concentrate on marketing it. Don''t think that you can succeed online with a free website and don''t just rely on the affiliate splash page that you are given when signing up for affiliate programs. Then be sure to find a reputable website hosting service and choose a domain name that relates to what you sell. Be sure that your site immediately captures your visitor''s attention and provide them with relevant, useful information.
Don''t make the mistake that many affiliate marketers do and that is place a whole bunch of banners and graphics on their website. Rather add a few graphics and write a brief description for each one thereby providing the visitor with information about the products you are offering.
Your visitors will be looking for answers or ways to solve a particular problem, so if you can provide useful information that answers their questions, then you certainly stand a much better chance of making a sale.
Secondly, being able to master one form of traffic generation and repeating it over and over again is very important. Quality targeted traffic is the lifeblood of any business and most affiliate marketers give up before they generate enough quality traffic to their website to make any money.
The internet is a highly competitive world today and you need to be able to generate a lot of targeted traffic to your website every single day of the week. Whilst there are many different ways to market a website online don''t make the mistake of trying to use too many methods at once. Start off by focusing on one method of traffic generation and become an expert at it then add a second method. Mastering one internet marketing method at a time will put you on the road to affiliate marketing success.
Thirdly, be sure to choose only quality, in-demand affiliate products to represent. Do some research as there are a lot of poor products available and you don''t want be seen as trying to sell inferior products. Use an established affiliate company that has a tried and tested track record and a lot of happy, successful affiliates.
You will want to build a good reputation as an online affiliate marketer so don''t jeopardize this by offering inferior products, rather spend time looking for the highest quality products available. If you sell trustworthy products in an ethical manner you will over time achieve affiliate marketing success as marketing online involves a lot of trust.
Finally, you need to locate products that offer high commissions and then focus on selling them. You don''t want to be spending a whole lot of time marketing products that only pay you a small commission. You need to get well paid for your time so be sure to seek out high quality products.
Those just starting an online affiliate marketing business often overlook these four important basics. Without this four corner foundation you cannot expect to move on and learn the details about affiliate marketing strategy.
So to sum up, get your own domain name and quality website, choose good quality, in-demand, high paying products and then focus on marketing your online affiliate marketing business.
Are you aware that most affiliate marketers fail to make any money on the Internet? The failure rate is over 80% which is rather scary when you think about it.
It really doesn''t have to be this way! Most people who fail at affiliate marketing do so not so much because they lack ability, but because they lack either application or knowledge. As long as you are determined to succeed as an affiliate marketer all you would have to do would be to learn four key basics and apply your knowledge correctly and consistently. You could soon be earning a few hundred dollars a month if you do that at the very least.
To help you avoid joining the losers, let''s have a look a four basics that you need to learn and apply to your affiliate marketing business in order to generate an income online?
First off then and most important is that you build your own website, or have one built for you, then concentrate on marketing it. Don''t think that you can succeed online with a free website and don''t just rely on the affiliate splash page that you are given when signing up for affiliate programs. Then be sure to find a reputable website hosting service and choose a domain name that relates to what you sell. Be sure that your site immediately captures your visitor''s attention and provide them with relevant, useful information.
Don''t make the mistake that many affiliate marketers do and that is place a whole bunch of banners and graphics on their website. Rather add a few graphics and write a brief description for each one thereby providing the visitor with information about the products you are offering.
Your visitors will be looking for answers or ways to solve a particular problem, so if you can provide useful information that answers their questions, then you certainly stand a much better chance of making a sale.
Secondly, being able to master one form of traffic generation and repeating it over and over again is very important. Quality targeted traffic is the lifeblood of any business and most affiliate marketers give up before they generate enough quality traffic to their website to make any money.
The internet is a highly competitive world today and you need to be able to generate a lot of targeted traffic to your website every single day of the week. Whilst there are many different ways to market a website online don''t make the mistake of trying to use too many methods at once. Start off by focusing on one method of traffic generation and become an expert at it then add a second method. Mastering one internet marketing method at a time will put you on the road to affiliate marketing success.
Thirdly, be sure to choose only quality, in-demand affiliate products to represent. Do some research as there are a lot of poor products available and you don''t want be seen as trying to sell inferior products. Use an established affiliate company that has a tried and tested track record and a lot of happy, successful affiliates.
You will want to build a good reputation as an online affiliate marketer so don''t jeopardize this by offering inferior products, rather spend time looking for the highest quality products available. If you sell trustworthy products in an ethical manner you will over time achieve affiliate marketing success as marketing online involves a lot of trust.
Finally, you need to locate products that offer high commissions and then focus on selling them. You don''t want to be spending a whole lot of time marketing products that only pay you a small commission. You need to get well paid for your time so be sure to seek out high quality products.
Those just starting an online affiliate marketing business often overlook these four important basics. Without this four corner foundation you cannot expect to move on and learn the details about affiliate marketing strategy.
So to sum up, get your own domain name and quality website, choose good quality, in-demand, high paying products and then focus on marketing your online affiliate marketing business.
Top 10 Growing Markets for Small Businesses
Whether you are looking for a market for your new business or a market to expand your existing business, here are some growing markets that you should consider:
1. Small Business
In the US alone, there are about 25 million small businesses today. Small businesses represent a large market that may be the only major source of growth over the next 10 to 15 years. They are a very good market for their fellow small businesses.
The problem with the small business market, however, is that they are hard to reach. Small businesses cut across industries, making it difficult to craft a single marketing message to reach them. More importantly, they often lack resources and have very limited time. Their buying priorities are different, and focus more on value. Many of these small businesses are also home-based -- the sole proprietorships that, in most cases, have no employees and are run by an individual out of his or her home. In fact, according to the Bureau of Census' Survey of Business Owners, almost half or 49 percent of the nation's businesses are operated from home.
2. State and Local Governments
According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, expenditures of state and local governments have grown from $411.9 billion in 1984 to $1,490.3 billion in 2004. It is expected to grow to $2,396.9 billion in 2014.
The local government is a big market that small businesses can tap. Small businesses can win thousands (if not millions) of dollars a year in local government contracts. The challenge lies, however, in knowing the ins and outs of selling to the government and understanding the government procurement process.
3. Growing Hispanic Market
One of the fastest growing consumer segments in the United States today is the Hispanic market. The number of Hispanic households is estimated to increase at a faster rate than any other group in the United States, continuing a demographic explosion that began several decades ago. Assuming that growth rates persist at their current phase, it is estimated that Hispanics will account for nearly one out of every five American residents by 2012. As such, opportunities abound for small businesses that consider implementing new approaches and strategies to target the Latin Americans.
However, it is important to note that this young, burgeoning market is extremely diverse. There are extensive demographic and economic differences among the Hispanic household population. Native-born Hispanics who have lived exclusively in the United States have different consumption and buying patterns than the immigrant Hispanics. US-born Hispanics speak English fluently and more likely to have grown accustomed to American tastes and living. The large influx of new immigrants, on the other hand, prefer information in Spanish and more likely to shop in stores where personnel can speak Spanish to them.
4. Gay Community
The gay and lesbian market may be offbeat for some, but it is one market that even the big boys are checking out. In fact, there are now about 175 Fortune 500 brands including American Airlines', Volvo and American Express that advertise specifically to gay and lesbian audiences.
Big companies are no longer ignoring the power of the gay consumer because of this group's tremendous buying power, which was estimated to be about $641 billion in 2006. While on average they do not earn more than other Americans, this market has also more disposable income (hence bigger buying power) because fewer are raising children. Setting aside any moral objections or issues about this group, GLBT is a market that small businesses can consider.
5. Burgeoning Consumer Debt
Americans today owe more money than they make. Consumer debt as of October 2006 is now at a record $2.378 trillion, according to data from the Federal Reserve Board . A May 2006 study by the Center for American Progress shows that household debt levels have reached 108.4 percent in 2005, exceeding household income by more than eight percent. Data from show that there have been 1,112,542 bankruptcies as of fiscal year ending September 2006.
American families borrow more money to keep pace with the rising cost of living. The problem is compounded by the weakening of the labor market, flat wages and falling incomes while prices for critical ticket items such as health care, housing, college education have increased substantially.
The problem of growing debt presents many opportunities for small businesses. One such business that thrives in this situation is a home-based collection agency. There is also a growing need for credit counseling businesses as well as debt consolidation companies.
1. Small Business
In the US alone, there are about 25 million small businesses today. Small businesses represent a large market that may be the only major source of growth over the next 10 to 15 years. They are a very good market for their fellow small businesses.
The problem with the small business market, however, is that they are hard to reach. Small businesses cut across industries, making it difficult to craft a single marketing message to reach them. More importantly, they often lack resources and have very limited time. Their buying priorities are different, and focus more on value. Many of these small businesses are also home-based -- the sole proprietorships that, in most cases, have no employees and are run by an individual out of his or her home. In fact, according to the Bureau of Census' Survey of Business Owners, almost half or 49 percent of the nation's businesses are operated from home.
2. State and Local Governments
According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, expenditures of state and local governments have grown from $411.9 billion in 1984 to $1,490.3 billion in 2004. It is expected to grow to $2,396.9 billion in 2014.
The local government is a big market that small businesses can tap. Small businesses can win thousands (if not millions) of dollars a year in local government contracts. The challenge lies, however, in knowing the ins and outs of selling to the government and understanding the government procurement process.
3. Growing Hispanic Market
One of the fastest growing consumer segments in the United States today is the Hispanic market. The number of Hispanic households is estimated to increase at a faster rate than any other group in the United States, continuing a demographic explosion that began several decades ago. Assuming that growth rates persist at their current phase, it is estimated that Hispanics will account for nearly one out of every five American residents by 2012. As such, opportunities abound for small businesses that consider implementing new approaches and strategies to target the Latin Americans.
However, it is important to note that this young, burgeoning market is extremely diverse. There are extensive demographic and economic differences among the Hispanic household population. Native-born Hispanics who have lived exclusively in the United States have different consumption and buying patterns than the immigrant Hispanics. US-born Hispanics speak English fluently and more likely to have grown accustomed to American tastes and living. The large influx of new immigrants, on the other hand, prefer information in Spanish and more likely to shop in stores where personnel can speak Spanish to them.
4. Gay Community
The gay and lesbian market may be offbeat for some, but it is one market that even the big boys are checking out. In fact, there are now about 175 Fortune 500 brands including American Airlines', Volvo and American Express that advertise specifically to gay and lesbian audiences.
Big companies are no longer ignoring the power of the gay consumer because of this group's tremendous buying power, which was estimated to be about $641 billion in 2006. While on average they do not earn more than other Americans, this market has also more disposable income (hence bigger buying power) because fewer are raising children. Setting aside any moral objections or issues about this group, GLBT is a market that small businesses can consider.
5. Burgeoning Consumer Debt
Americans today owe more money than they make. Consumer debt as of October 2006 is now at a record $2.378 trillion, according to data from the Federal Reserve Board . A May 2006 study by the Center for American Progress shows that household debt levels have reached 108.4 percent in 2005, exceeding household income by more than eight percent. Data from show that there have been 1,112,542 bankruptcies as of fiscal year ending September 2006.
American families borrow more money to keep pace with the rising cost of living. The problem is compounded by the weakening of the labor market, flat wages and falling incomes while prices for critical ticket items such as health care, housing, college education have increased substantially.
The problem of growing debt presents many opportunities for small businesses. One such business that thrives in this situation is a home-based collection agency. There is also a growing need for credit counseling businesses as well as debt consolidation companies.
Ideas for Starting your own Internet Based Business
An e-business is generally any business that can be run on a computer, but more specifically, people often consider an e-business one that is operated using Internet technologies and resources. Today, millions of people have been successful working with a number of e-business ideas. Although you can search for viable business opportunities, if you plan to become an independent contractor with an established e-business, check the Better Business Bureau to ensure an e-business' credentials.
Social Networking
Social networking is the way that more and more people get information -- and that fact can be very helpful to you. Successful social media campaigns involve the use of a number of Internet resources and skills. Companies such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace allow people to post for free but people must know how to use the services and what sort of things to post to help get a business in front of the public. Your business can focus on the training of companies or individuals and -- as an added service to help boost your bottom line -- you can choose to post training sessions online.
Get Crafty
Companies such as are offering a chance for people all over the world to turn their passions and hobbies into viable business opportunities. If you have a special artistic skill such as jewelry making, decorative ornament making or even knitting, gives you all the tools that you need to monetize your crafts. You will get a free Web page to post your items to and the company handles taking payments so you do not need a third party involved. There is a nominal fee to the company when you sell an item, but that is usually more than balanced by the services you receive.
Become a Writer
People now are on the go more than ever and are looking for easily searchable, fast and accurate sources for their information. This demand has spanned countless opportunities for freelance writing professionals. Perform a search online for "freelance writing jobs" or "Internet content writing jobs" and you will see thousands of listings. Many prefer that you have prior experience and a degree in the field and many will require you to send in a writing sample. With the right amount of drive, you can build a solid e-business writing for companies all over the world.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
3 Simple Ways to Generate Cash Flow
Multiply Cash Flow Streams — Expand your business model and your cash flow potential will explode!
That article concentratees on generating money as a full time job or "on the side" to support your commerce. These are 3 easy methods which will assist you expand your commerce whlist generating more paper bills on the side.
1. Watch the Market Trends
Imagine selling the hottest product on the business and generating excessive money flow for yourself and your commerce. Thus imagine watching your incomes deteriorate since you didn't keep watching the industry for the next "big thing". There's a new "hottest item" on the industry and you missed out at being on the leading edge since you did not consider ahead. Keeping ahead of market trends could be bewilderingly easy. Merely consider, around Christmas individuals purchase of millions of dollars worth or supplies, decorations and trinkets for a one day celebration! Also, eachone with school aged children goes shopping for "back to school" time. Simply by watching the business and at times the time of year, you may dramatically enlarge your paper bills flow. That's what thousands of sellers on eBay do every day!
2. Diversify what you Sell
No matter should you be selling on eBay, the web or face to face; having a full "portfolio" of products shall assist you to be prosperous. If you are selling one type of product, what take places if it stops selling well in your market. The price drops, and you are losing currency! A extremely wise choice with selling is to purchase moderately. You may purchase 4-4of one product and 4-6 of something else. Do not surpass the consumer demand or the prices shall plummet. Another good way to enlarge money is to purchase complementing products. As an example of this, should you own an online store "Fantastic Pens of America" why not sell paper, ink replacements and pen holders. All these products shall complement your featured product. That's only an example of this which you may apply to whatever products you sell.
3. Places to Sell your Products
Where you sell your products could be nearly as essential as what you sell. Should you attempt selling ponder bras in an online magazine (e-zine) which has a chiefly male subscription, you'll not get much reply (hopeentirely)! Below, I've listed several especially great places to sell your products and services.
eBay - A fantastic place to sell merely about everything. I do suggest that you look around through the categories to view what's selling and for how much.
Expos/Conventions - That's a fantastic place to receive your products noticed by thousands of new clients. Do not expect to sell a lot at the expo though. Most of what you'll get by speaking to individuals are leads for future sales. Following up with leads and prospects is a good way to keep your commerce going in a selling drought.
Flee Markets - That's a place to sell merely about anything you desire. Depending on what type of market it's, you could generally create a table or booth for about $10-$21 a day. Most flea markets only run on the weekend getting the most traffic.
E-zines - Interweb magazines (e-zines) are a cheap and fantastic way to advertise your commerce or products. Many e-zines are free and have a specific objective audience. Before putting your ad in an e-zine, check their subscription objective audience and number of subscribers, it will not do you any fine putting your ad in an e-zine which objectives the incorrect audience or only a few subscribers.
Steps to getting started with YOUR online business
How To Start Online Business ? Kick Start Your Online Business Today
Published By Mr. Ven On Friday, March 27th 2009. Under A Starter Guide
How to start an online business, the famous question ? Every one in the world including me and you are doing some business or work everyday to make a life. We are all working to run our life, fueled mainly by money. If you came here with an idea of starting an online business, its really a good decision. This article really foods you with the ideas on how to start online business.
When it comes to starting an online business, the following are the major advantages.
You don’t need to wait for any right time to start. You don’t need to wait for somebody to start for you. You could start a blog or host a business website any time even today or even now itself. One thing required is you have to understand the process of online business that I have framed here. You could read this article to understand the process of online business, if you are interested to understand something in deeper.
Setup up your own blog.
A blog, is a place where you could post down your knowledge or share any kind of information of your own interest. Its an information website or online book. The most simple and proven way is setting up a blog and start making money putting advertisements or doing sale of products through it. Setting up a blog is free in Blogger.
The most important thing in blogging are,
1) You should select a popular topic.
2) You should select a less competitive topic to win easily.
3) You should post quality information.
4) You should not post duplicate information taking from other websites. Its should be unique.
5) You should post frequently or in a regular basis.
This gains the popularity among search engines (like Google) that generates the traffic (visitors) for your blog. Also, gains popularity among the visitors and you could build your own community of peoples. Here is the complete resource about blogging for beginners and blog setup tips.
Monetizing the blog could be done through numerous ways, it generates revenue for you 24×7 (even when you are sleeping) with the investment of zero cost. Some of proven money making ways are,
Join advertising programs like Google Adsense, Text Links, Chitika and publish the ads in your blog. (publishing the Ads is very simple, by pasting the html codes given to you). You will earn money for each clicks made by your visitors. Its simple right ?
Affiliate Program Product Sale.
Affiliate Programs, are the major revenue source for most of the famous blogs. You have to promote a particular product in your blog by placing the link to the product page. When some one makes a purchase through your blog, you will earn the commission. Read the basics of affiliate programs first and then it will be easier for you to know how to start making money from affiliate program.
Selecting a product similar to your blog topic for sale is the best and intelligent strategy in doing affiliate business. Say, if you are blogging about Movies, then it is advisable to do affiliate sale on Movie DVDs, Music DVDs etc. Hence targeting the right customers. Some of best and trustful affiliate programs are Amazon, Clickbank, Commission Junction.
These articles may help you to increase or improve your affiliate product sale.
One step to increase affiliate product sale and steps to increase your affiliate product sale.
The revenue rule here is, “More Visitors, More Money”. If you want to know more information on how to make money from blogs, read this article on Make Money Blogging.
Start Your Own e-Commerce Business.
Setting up an e-commerce business store of your own is easier today. Yahoo Store, offers you the ready to take e-commerce solution. An e-commerce business is same like the real world retail business but you don;t need to setup the physical store. The setup cost is many times lower compared to the real world business. Using Yahoo store, you could setup you e-commerce business store and starting selling products. We have published how to run a money making business with Yahoo e-commerce store.
The important thing here is the selection of the right product for sale.
We recommend you to promote software based or downloadable products through your ecommerce business. That’s more simple to operate and involves less risk.
The revenue rule here is, “More Quality, More Sale, More Money”.
Selling own affiliate product.
Selling your own product through Internet is also possible. If you are a good writer, create tutorial DVDs on popular topics, sell them. Commission Junction, helps you to sell your products. CJ publishes the product information in their customer websites. When peoples who are looking forinformation, finds your DVD and makes a purchase, You will get paid by CJ. Simply saying, CJ sells for you and gives the money.
Doing these kind of business is very simple. All you need is quality materials that attracts customers or peoples who are looking for those information.
Online Freelancing Jobs.
Apart from product sale or website based business, freelancing works are available that is much similar to the real world office. I would say, part-time jobs. With your expertise, you could join the online offices, work with them and get paid. Selling your expertise. Find out this 101 essential freelancing resources, it has the list of all freelancing sites.
Various kind of freelancing jobs are,
I believe, now you are more comfortable to take a decision of starting an online business. These methods are really proven and trusted methods of the money making business. You could start with full confidence. Its true that more and more people are throwing their traditional work or businesses and starting online business of their own on the Internet. There are easier steps to start free online business that anyone could start their work. I would suggest, take good time, do research, understand the methods and take the right path.
What do you think ? Any one can kick start your own online business Today !
A bonus article for you that shows the proven method to make money.
We strongly recommend you to Subscribe via E-mail or Subscribe via RSS, free of cost to get knocked with more useful resources and tips in the future about money making & online business.
When it comes to starting an online business, the following are the major advantages.
- You could build your own money making stream to support your living,
- Becoming the boss of your own.
- You could work part-time, time is convenient.
- You could work from any where, place is convenient.
- No disturbances from the BOSS you hate.
You don’t need to wait for any right time to start. You don’t need to wait for somebody to start for you. You could start a blog or host a business website any time even today or even now itself. One thing required is you have to understand the process of online business that I have framed here. You could read this article to understand the process of online business, if you are interested to understand something in deeper.
Kick Start Your Money Making Business.
Okay. Now we have the basic understanding of the online business process before we start. Starting a money making business doesn’t really requires any experience. You could run your own business, an e-commerce website in the highest end to an information site in the other end without any experience. But you should need the basic understanding of what to do and how to do ? You should have the goal to become an entrepreneur.Setup up your own blog.
A blog, is a place where you could post down your knowledge or share any kind of information of your own interest. Its an information website or online book. The most simple and proven way is setting up a blog and start making money putting advertisements or doing sale of products through it. Setting up a blog is free in Blogger.
The most important thing in blogging are,
1) You should select a popular topic.
2) You should select a less competitive topic to win easily.
3) You should post quality information.
4) You should not post duplicate information taking from other websites. Its should be unique.
5) You should post frequently or in a regular basis.
This gains the popularity among search engines (like Google) that generates the traffic (visitors) for your blog. Also, gains popularity among the visitors and you could build your own community of peoples. Here is the complete resource about blogging for beginners and blog setup tips.
Monetizing the blog could be done through numerous ways, it generates revenue for you 24×7 (even when you are sleeping) with the investment of zero cost. Some of proven money making ways are,
Join advertising programs like Google Adsense, Text Links, Chitika and publish the ads in your blog. (publishing the Ads is very simple, by pasting the html codes given to you). You will earn money for each clicks made by your visitors. Its simple right ?
Affiliate Program Product Sale.
Affiliate Programs, are the major revenue source for most of the famous blogs. You have to promote a particular product in your blog by placing the link to the product page. When some one makes a purchase through your blog, you will earn the commission. Read the basics of affiliate programs first and then it will be easier for you to know how to start making money from affiliate program.
Selecting a product similar to your blog topic for sale is the best and intelligent strategy in doing affiliate business. Say, if you are blogging about Movies, then it is advisable to do affiliate sale on Movie DVDs, Music DVDs etc. Hence targeting the right customers. Some of best and trustful affiliate programs are Amazon, Clickbank, Commission Junction.
These articles may help you to increase or improve your affiliate product sale.
One step to increase affiliate product sale and steps to increase your affiliate product sale.
The revenue rule here is, “More Visitors, More Money”. If you want to know more information on how to make money from blogs, read this article on Make Money Blogging.
Start Your Own e-Commerce Business.
Setting up an e-commerce business store of your own is easier today. Yahoo Store, offers you the ready to take e-commerce solution. An e-commerce business is same like the real world retail business but you don;t need to setup the physical store. The setup cost is many times lower compared to the real world business. Using Yahoo store, you could setup you e-commerce business store and starting selling products. We have published how to run a money making business with Yahoo e-commerce store.
The important thing here is the selection of the right product for sale.
- Select quality product.
- Select popular product.
- Select less competitive and demanding product.
We recommend you to promote software based or downloadable products through your ecommerce business. That’s more simple to operate and involves less risk.
The revenue rule here is, “More Quality, More Sale, More Money”.
Selling own affiliate product.
Selling your own product through Internet is also possible. If you are a good writer, create tutorial DVDs on popular topics, sell them. Commission Junction, helps you to sell your products. CJ publishes the product information in their customer websites. When peoples who are looking forinformation, finds your DVD and makes a purchase, You will get paid by CJ. Simply saying, CJ sells for you and gives the money.
Doing these kind of business is very simple. All you need is quality materials that attracts customers or peoples who are looking for those information.
Online Freelancing Jobs.
Apart from product sale or website based business, freelancing works are available that is much similar to the real world office. I would say, part-time jobs. With your expertise, you could join the online offices, work with them and get paid. Selling your expertise. Find out this 101 essential freelancing resources, it has the list of all freelancing sites.
Various kind of freelancing jobs are,
- Web development
- Software development
- Graphic Arts and Designing
- Administrative support
- Technical Writing
- Data Entry Operators etc.
I believe, now you are more comfortable to take a decision of starting an online business. These methods are really proven and trusted methods of the money making business. You could start with full confidence. Its true that more and more people are throwing their traditional work or businesses and starting online business of their own on the Internet. There are easier steps to start free online business that anyone could start their work. I would suggest, take good time, do research, understand the methods and take the right path.
What do you think ? Any one can kick start your own online business Today !
A bonus article for you that shows the proven method to make money.
We strongly recommend you to Subscribe via E-mail or Subscribe via RSS, free of cost to get knocked with more useful resources and tips in the future about money making & online business.
Friday, December 17, 2010
How to make MONEY form blogging?
To answer the title’s question… Well it all depends on what you perceive as easy, if for instance you are brand new to blogging then it may seem a daunting task to accomplish. On the other hand if you know how to set up your blogwhether self hosted or free then you are already half way there. As far as I’m concerned it doesn’t matter where you are…beginner or intermediate because making money through blogging is the simplest thing to do. It’s not rocket science rather it’s an easy step by step process that anyone can use. One thing before we go on IF you’re serious about making money online through blogging then it will take dedication and plain old hard work, the process is easy but the commitment is the hard part. Longevity or staying power are admirable traits to posses and believe me you will need them.
Take a look at the 6 main components below and when you have read all the points tell me it isn’t easy to make money blogging. Just remember that all the tools that you will need to go through all these steps are available online, you just need to act.
6 Easy steps to make money blogging
Get a Hosting account or Don’t
I would go for a self hosted account every time because it gives you complete control over your content. If your starting out for the 1st time however then I would advise you to start with Blogger, this way you can get a feel of what bloggings’ all about and if you make mistakes which you will then it won’t be too costly. Although this 1st step may seem obvious it does pay to do your research and choose a reliable Hosting Company. If you are unsure about selfhosting don’t worry, just make sure to soak up all the tutorials available and you’ll be fine. Hostgator is my recommendation.
Pick a Niche
Choosing a niche for your blog is not as hard as you may think but bear in mind that you will want to find one that has less competition and has a high value cpc (cost per click) for advertisements. Google AdSense is where most bloggers make their money from so think about advertisers you want on your blog. Niche blogging or Niche Marketing is a hot topic on the Internet Marketing circuit and there is no shortage of sources to utilize. The 1st place to start is the search engines which have a wealth of information for free. There are numerous Niche Marketing programs that will guide you through the finer points and teach you to pick markets that will earn you money.
Grab Top Keywords and select a Keyword Rich Domain Name:
One of the most important steps to success is obtaining a keyword rich domain name and populating your blog with keywords and keyword phrases. Using H1 tags for titles and setting up keyword rich anchor text is all part of Search Engine Optimization. I always start any new project by collecting keywords before anything else because for me it lays the foundation and guides me through the rest of the blog building process. One of the best free keyword tools on the web is of course Google Adwords keyword tool. Make sure to sign up to Google Adwords, you only need a Gmail account to get started.
Write useful and valuable content
If you’re going to a job right then do it right by using quality content. The content doesn’t have to written by you, it can be re edited PLR material or outsourced. Give your blog more than text content; mix it up a little by adding video or podcasts. Giving value is the key to your content because it holds your visitors interest and encourages them to click on affiliate links or ads. What good content will also achieve is trust and authority which is priceless.
Start Building Backlinks and optimizing with SEO
Traffic Traffic Traffic … so good they named it three times or at least I did!
If you don’t have the traffic then you won’t make money, simple equation right? This part of blogging is absolutely necessary so start building Backlinks by hook or by crook. Okay stay on the right side of the law or else you may find yourself blacklisted by the mighty G. Building Backlinks can be done in a myriad of different ways. Comment on high ranking do-follow blogs and spread your Blog’s URL throughout the web on social networks, anywhere where you can leave feedback leave you anchor text URL. Do some Guest Author articles…the list is endless. Submitting your blog to all the big search engines and search directories is a given. Get your profile and bio on big sites like Google and get a Twitter handle the same as your blog if you can.
Monetize your Blog with Affiliate Programs and Ads
This is a fairly painless task, the main thing to think about here is your ad positions, so a little experiment by trying out different locations and split testing is advised. Make use of the many affiliate networks and use Google analytics to hook up you AdSense channels so you know where the money is coming from. When you write any article about an affiliate product or service don’t go overboard be subtle and gently steer your reader in the right direction. It is always a definite advantage to know what you’re talking about by knowing the product inside out, so don’t just rely on the vendors interpretation of the product.
Hook up your Blog to the Social Net
By joining up your blog to the likes of Twitter and FaceBook you have a powerful platform to broadcast your messages. We all know about FaceBook fan pages and just how effective they can be if done the right way. Twitter is a different model but with its increasing popularity it can’t be ignored. Both of these mediums will take time and effort to build up but if you want to build traffic for your blog then it is necessary.
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